About Us
Four decades of serving the homeless
Established in 1982, South Park Inn provides a range of programs and services to assist people experiencing homelessness as they transition back to permanency. The agency’s goal is to provide a safe, temporary place to stay as individuals identify the supports and opportunities that will yield long-term housing solutions.
South Park Inn’s Department of Housing (DOH)-funded emergency shelter, opened in 1984, operates 24/7/365 and provides 55 beds to men and women. In addition, beginning in 2007, South Park Inn has 15 Transitional Housing beds for Veterans, ten of which are dedicated for high–barrier Veterans exhibiting acute and/or active substance use and mental illness.
Since 2017, South Park Inn also operates 17 respite beds contracted directly with Hartford HealthCare, the Institute of Living, and St. Francis Hospital. These beds provide people recovering from recent medical or behavioral health hospitalizations with a safe place to stay that includes staffing to monitor for complications/side effects, follow-up care, treatment compliance, and/or medication errors; case management, and rehousing support.