Pets Allowed
They go home, too.
South Park Inn also has a unique policy – it accepts guests with pets.
Most homeless shelters don't allow pets, leaving people to choose between life-saving shelter or giving up their best friend. In turn, what pets need most is human companionship; they don’t need a house. They love, adore, and protect their owners. Therefore, no person will be turned away from South Park Inn if they have a dog or cat.
If you wish to donate directly to the Pets at South Park Inn fund, please email the Development Department. SPI is a proud partner of Pets of the Homeless.
For guests.
A pet must be with an individual at the time of admission to South Park Inn. A pet may not join an individual after admission.
South Park Inn staff support the caretaking of the animals, but the owner must assume all caretaking needs.
The pet must be up to date with shots at admission and pass a “temperament test.”