Supporters and Partners
Many thanks to our supporters & partners
Foundations and Funds
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
The United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut
Ensworth Charitable Foundation
Bank of America - Charitable Gift Fund
Bristol Myers Foundation
Charles Robinson Foundation
Farmington Bank Community Foundation
George & Grace Long Foundation
Harold L. Wyman Foundation, Inc.
Harry E. Goldfarb Foundation
Jackson-Batchelder Family Fund
June Rosenblatt Trust - Bequest
Marguerite Cole Foundation
McDonald Family Trust
Medtronics Found
Sean Walter Niland Fund
The Raney Family Fund
The Sandra & Arnold Chase Family Foundation
Walker Family Fund
William and Alice Mortensen Foundation
F3 Technology Partners
Capital Region Business Authority
Amerprise Corp.
Bayer Odlum & Hyde
Carmon Community Funeral Homes
CVS Health, Matching Gift Fund
FLexPrint, LLC
Hartford Distributors
Hartford Wolf Pack
HCC Global Financial Products
Park Hardware
Pratt & Whitney, Matching Gift Fund
Price Waterhouse
RBC Wealth Management
Simsbury Volunteer Fire Co., Inc.
Sky Investment Group
Travelers - Birdies for Charity
Wallkill Hook, Ladder & Hose Co., Inc.
Houses of Worship,
Archdiocese of Hartford
Annunciation Parish
Congregation Beth Israel - The Sisterhood
Congregational Church South Glastonbury
First Church of Christ Congregational of West Hartford
First Church of Christ Wethersfield
First Korean Church
Hartford Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
New Born Church of God and True Holiness, Inc.
Saint Jeanne Jugan Parish
Saint Josephine Bakhita Parish Corp.
Saint Josephine Parish
Saint Joseph Fraternity
Trinity United Methodist Church
Veerashaiva Samaja of North America
Westminister Presbyterian Church
Organizations & Groups
The City of Hartford
Dungeons of Hope
American Legion - Kiltonic Post No. 72
American Legion - Auxiliary Unit 66 -Soldiers Program
American Legion - Post #80 TanGuay Magill
Capital Region Business Authority
Disabled American Veterans
Hartford Lodge No. 19 BPO Elks
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus 133
Simsbury Volunteer Fire Co., Inc.
Veterans of Foreign Wars - Post 3272
Wallkill Hook, Ladder & Hose Co.
Watertown Fire Dept.
In-Kind Donors
Achieve Higher Hartford High School
Capitol Towers Senior Knitting Group
Jackson Laboratory
Kathy White
Rotary Club of Glastonbury
State of Connecticut Office of Higher Education
& countless others in 2023!
Meal Groups of 2023
The Catholic Transcript, Bloomfield
Cigna, Bloomfield Office
Cigna, Law Department
Congregational Church, South Glastonbury
East Catholic High School, Manchester
Elmwood Community Church, West Hartford
First Church of Christ, Simsbury
First Church of Christ, Wethersfield
First Church of the Living God, Hartford
Grace Episcopal Church, Windsor
Grace Tabernacle Church of God, Hartford
International Gospel Fellowship
Ministerio Pentecostal Jehona Nisi, Hartford
North United Methodist Church
Rehoboth Church of God
Saint James Episcopal Church
Saint Thomas Seminary
Saint Timothy
Simsbury United Methodist Church
Trinity United Methodist, Windsor
United Health Care, Farmington Office
United Methodist of West Hartford
Valley Brook Baptist
Valley Community Baptist Church, Avon
Westminster Presbyterian Church, West Hartford
Wethersfield High School
Windsor High School
Wintonbury Baptist Church, Bloomfield
& many individuals who generously cook, serve food, and donate their time
List updated December 28, 2023. Please excuse any accidental exclusions.
South Park Inn is grateful to the many donors, business, corporate and foundation funders that support our mission and programs. Thanks to your contributions, we continue to provide services and support for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.